miércoles, diciembre 27, 2006

The Verbing Man

The Verbing Man.

"Oh, yes I Christmased," says the man,
Who skips from verb to noun;
I dined and turkeyed à la mode,
And curry sauced in town.

I restauranted everywhere,
I whiskyed, beered and aled;
Cigared I on Havanas rare,
And on Regalias galed.

I New Yeared, too, on viands rich
And I champagned myself;
Or Tomed and Jerryed — can't tell which,
Expenditured my pelf.

I resolutioned on that day,
As spirits throbbed my head;
But when the pangs next panged away,
I just cocktailed instead.

—Texas Siftings.
[reprinted in the Los Angeles Times, Feb. 3, 1887, p. 9]

1 Invaluables opiniones:

Blogger Diana dijo, aunque sin mucho sentido ...

Bello poema, gracias por compartirlo. Mis mejores deseo para el 2007.

lun ene 01, 11:16:00 a.m.  

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