martes, febrero 26, 2013

Música de Tetris para Atari

lunes, febrero 25, 2013

Amor eterno

Federico Fellini. La Dolce Vita. (1960)

domingo, febrero 17, 2013


Sólo que el aire de los eucaliptos no la mejoraba, pues apenas volvía a su casa, la señora Laurita se encerraba en su cuarto para leer la conquista de México de Bernal Díaz.

- Elena Garro. La culpa es de los tlaxcaltecas.

martes, febrero 05, 2013

Izo o Cómo dejar de correr en un ciclo infinito.

- Fragmento de "Izo". Dir. Takashi Miike (2004).

sábado, febrero 02, 2013

Doing the same operation over again is very unlikely to yield better results. The correct response is to look for alternative solutions. The tendency to repeat the same operation over again is especially likely for those who are anxious or tense. This state of negative affect leads people to focus upon the problematic details, and if this strategy fails to provide a solution, they get even more tense, more anxious, and increase their concentration upon those troublesome details.
-From Norman, Donald. "Emotional Design" (2004)

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