viernes, marzo 21, 2014

Madonna en el Códice Huexotzingo.

miércoles, marzo 19, 2014

Sexuality of the Isthmian Zapotecs

The tehuanas ignore the techniques of birth control, but abortive concoctions are known to witch doctors. The mechanics of love are the universal, standard techniques, devoid of refinements, and require no explanation. Their aesthetic ideals are much distorted by city ideas, and the general Mexican version of a "pin-up" girl, from magazine covers, calendars, and the movies, constitutes their concept of beauty. As the type is scarce in communities predominantly Indian, a particular suitor is content with fairness of skin and Caucasoid features. Men not quite so citified, however, are able to appreciate the local type of beauty: personality, sparkling eyes, and a substantial figure count most in the desirability of a girl in a man's eyes. Women are less particular in their choice of men; a good physique, a manly carriage, and the roguishness characteristic of the men of the Isthmus are enough to turn a woman's head. It should be mentioned that hairiness, curiosly enough, is a desirable trait, as it is indicative of "class", perhaps because it is an Indian characteristic to have little hair on the body. It is a dreadful insult to accuse a woman of having scanty pubic hair.
- Miguel Covarrubias. "Mexico South. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec".

jueves, marzo 06, 2014

Gracias Pascual Bailón

Mi marido se jubiló y por entretenerse le dió por cocinar y cosinaba orrible y nos traía a todos enfermos del estómago. Yo tenía miedo de que nos envenenara. Gracias a San Pascual Bendito se aburrió por fin de cocinar y mejor se dedicó a la jardinería.

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